Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Korean War Blog

1. When Japan surrendered to the allies at the end of WW2, in 1945 soviet troops occupied korea north of th 38th parallel. America had the south.
2.In the North a communist government came to power, and in the south a noncommunist leader was elected.
3. in june of 1950 NK crossed the line of lattitude into the south and this is what became to be known as the Korean war.
4. North Korea was commanded by General McArthur who made his fame by commanding in the pacific front in WW2
5. On 1950 thousands of chinese communist troops attacked in human waves across the Yalu river in NK.
6. General McArthur wanted to blockade the chinese but Truman said no so McArthur critisized him and was relieved of his job and was sent home.
7. Truman decided not to run for Prezidents and So dwight d. eisenhower was elected and ended the problem quickly.
8. IKE also warned privately that he was ready to use nuclear weapons and carry the war into China. the war ended in july of 1953 in a stalemate.
9. By early 1951 the two sides were deadlocked along the 38th parallel
10. Sixteen nations provided soldiers for a UN force, The US made most of the force up though